
To Rise Above

I traveled the road of ordinary people who was kept alive by their dreams and driven by their passion. I lived the life of those who strongly refused to be discouraged by difficulty or paralyzed by fear. I learned how to fight and creatively wrestle with life’s constantly changing course and battle. I was strong… happy… dancing for having found home.

But one day when I woke up, they are but memories… a dream I merely dreamt. For so high have I fallen…

The passionate desire that enflames my heart now lies beneath my restless and scattered soul. Abandoned and long forgotten. Unwanted hopelessness exhausts my being, rendering the impossibility of any query or quest. Aimlessly I fly through an empty space… losing more of the way…

I now belong to the time of lost hopes and dreams. The very place I tend to believe would liberate me from the shackles of meaninglessness holds me hostage… gradually taking away any sign of life that is there…

But I will not falter. With every single memory that stays with me, I shall stand and will forever dream to be free. Because I know one day I will find myself standing at the very doorstep of my home again.