
Forming Choices

Day after day of your life existence, you meet circumstances that demand forming choices. In fact, forming choices is everyone's way of existence but the heart of the matter is not the art of making an excellent choice, it's whether or not you like what you have chosen. It is most meaningful that you are satisfied with what you choose and that you are delighted with your answer. After all you can never do away with forming choices some of which sometimes extremely change your life.

There are experiences that happen so unexpectedly and abruptly and you feel that it is time to make a choice. When such an occurrence happen, never be impulsive or impetuous; rather bring to mind the folk wisdom, "there are two sides to a coin." Whether your decision confines on victory or misfortune, there is always a positive and a negative side of it. What is powerful is to have the right horizon in forming a decision so you will experience it first-hand. Do not be affected by outside forces or by coercion from all sides. Rather, listen to your heart. Weigh the pros and cons of the situation at hand. You will not go wrong. Past ordeals can also lead you in forming the best choices which will ultimately give you satisfaction and tranquility. Remember that life will still go on even after you've made your decision. So, see to it that the choice is one that will give you a real sense of accomplishment. Don't choose simply because you're forced to and you have no restrain of the situation, because you'll gain no sense of accomplishment at all. The choice must give you a tremendous sensation of attaining something you aspire to, not a feeling that you opted for it simply because you had no choice. That is not living life as it should be lived. Live to the fullest. Acknowledge challenges and struggles. Then realize the choices. And decide. But bear in mind too, that you are not in full control of your existence. You must surrender to a higher power. Before making the choice, seek His guidance and you will never be mistaken, especially in matters that consider a lot in your life.

There are times when faced with many a choice, you find yourself in a quandary.


You allow too many things distort your conviction. For once in your life, make convictions that will benefit unselfish choices. Do not only consider of your own advantage. When faced with choices, consider also of the welfare of others, especially the less fortunate. Ask yourself if the choice you are to form will be helpful to a lot of humans or only to a favored few. If it will help only few, then decide on for the excelling choice. Keep in mind that when selfishness enters a dwelling place or an office, clemency instantly flies out. Always embrace the welfare of others in forming decisions. Do not let your own greedy needs be the norm.

Frequently, this is easier said than executed, but it must be executed if you are to form bright choices. This should be concerned by all who reside in a society, specifically the leaders who must perpetually regard their peoples' welfare due to the difficult times everyone's facing nowadays.

What we want now are men and women who will form choices without compromising the good of the many...

Men and women who won't let their self-seeking intentions dominate their sense of values...

Men and women who won't be apprehensive to utter the reality, no matter the stand of the people around them...

Men and women who won't falter to utter not even when the whole world reasons otherwise...

Men and women who'd be truthful as not to be influenced by riches, command, and prestige.

It may be a tall mandate for everyone, but it must be poked into if you want betterment in things around you. It must be executed, and there is no other being to do it but you.


Anonymous said...

thinkerarian, you're very good in all of your compositions, I still haven't read all but I must say, you are amazing. I perceive you based on your articles as a compassionate, loving, enthusiastic person with a deep sense of understanding and reasoning. Your articles are great, keep up the good work and continue to reach out and touch people's lives through your wonderful writings! :-) ambush101

Anonymous said... of the most common,yet vital aspects of our daily lives that is usually regretted and rarely discussed...

thank for taking a brave step...

i especially liked the mention of the 'two sides of the coin''s really true,actually...funny,huh?(-_-)

well,more power to the site,and the authors as well...long live the writers!...i'll be reading more... :)