
Mary, The Mother of God

The Mother of the human race, the most blessed and revered Virgin Mary, was of the royal family of David. And a pious old legend tells us about her early days. Born in the city of Nazareth, her parents Joachim and Anne, were of Galilee and Bethlehem. He was a man of reputation, of modesty, and serenely submitted to the will of God. Anne was loved for her surpassing virtues, transcended dignity, and gracious kindliness. Their lives were simple, they had no children, yet they did not forget the word of God that from their eminent family should rise the Messiah promised to the nation.

A spiritual attribute acclaimed this family of the house of David. An ambiance of prayers, works of compassion surrounded them for they were trained with trust and hope. They promised that if God would favour them with a child, they would dedicate her to the service of the Lord.

On a certain day, the angel of the Lord, with a prodigious light appeared to Joachim and said: "Be not afraid, Joachim, nor troubled at the sight of me, for I am an angel sent by Him to inform you that your prayers are heard. If reason will not convince you of the truth of my words, and that those who were barren have brought forth to their great surprise; therefore Anne, your wife, shall bring you a daughter and you shall call her name, Mary.

She shall, according to your vow, be devoted to the Lord from her infancy, and be filled with the Holy Ghost from her mother's womb. She shall be in a manner miraculously born of one that was barren; and while yet a virgin, in a way unparalleled, bring forth the Son of the Most high God, who shall be called Jesus, the Saviour of all nations!"

And the angel of the Lord, in such a heavenly splendour, vanished. Consequently, the angel appeared to Anne saying: "Fear not, for I am that angel who hath offered up your prayers before God and am now sent to inform you that a daughter will be born to you, who shall be called Mary, and shall be blessed above all women.

She shall be, immediately upon her birth, full of the grace of the Lord. In a word, she shall serve the Lord in the temple, shall abstain from every unclean thing, and never know any man. And, being an unparalleled instance without any pollution or defilement and a virgin, shall bring forth a son, who both by His grace and name and works, shall be the Saviour of the world."

Both Joachim and Anne were instructed by the angel to go to the golden gate of Jerusalem. Made glad by each other's vision, they gave due thanks to the Lord who had promised them a child.

Anne, being herself a vessel of honor and goodness, brought forth an unstained soul which according to the angel's ordain was named Mary. As Mary approached the extremity of womanhood, she raised in mildness, worthiness, and charm shedding around her peace and happiness as flowers scatter sweet and refreshing aroma or as the multitude silvery rays of the moon shed its favorable stream of light to the world.

When she reached the age of three, Joachim and Anne dedicated her to the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. How they loved the child, yet in their humble unpretentious, they felt themselves undeserving of possessing such a lovely being.

The journey was tiresome. They passed through muddy roads, across bumpy rocks and clusters of thorny bushes. The atmosphere though dominatedd by deep clouds, unvieled the temple, impressively brilliant with light. It was habitual to offer up a sacrifice and so they did. As Mary lifted the stairs of the temple, two hearts which once abounded in joyousness were plunged into sadness. Her absence alone was ample to give them pain. What a great trial God had given them, yet, they had obeyed.

Mary performed all sacred undertakings of a virgin consecrated to the service of the temple. She engrossed herself in ardent meditation, praises to the Lord and communicatuions with the angels from heaven.

In here fourteenth year, Mary was to leave the house of the Lord for marriage, which was a rigorous accountability amongst the Hebrews. To this order, all the other virgins yielded absolute compliance. Mary, the Virgin of the Lord, who lived in a permanent exaltation of prayer in the temple, explained to the high priest, in great sadden of heart that it was her wish never to leave the temple for she had pledged her virginity to the Lord. The high priest, then did not consent to Mary's wishes.

The Blessed Virgin pleaded God with extensive ardor and she prayed, a surprise hearten her and gave her vigor to agree to her marriage.

Since Mary's loveliness, delightfulness, and maidenly values had circled throughout the city, limitless suitors intensely longed for her as wife. Mary's parents no longer lived, so, the resolution was sought out by a prophecy of Isiah that "There come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a flower shall spring out of its roots."

Among the suitors was a pious man named Joseph of the family of David. As he drew his rod, it bloomed and a dove from heaven settledown on it. everyone then knew that Joseph, the most honorable of all men, was destined by the Lord to be betrothed to the pristine maiden of Nazareth.

The nuptial ceremony being over, the new couple, under the leadership of the Most High, returned to Galilee. Mary, in here peaceful life prepared herself for the unfathomable work God had determined her.

On a certain day, when the pure and chaste Virgin was so preoccupied in one of her transports, the Angel Gabriel, more radiant than ever appeared in the ambient air, and said to her, "Hail, Mary! full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women."

The Virgin seemed troubled at his sudden obeisance and began to cogitate what it meant. To this thought the angel replied, "Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God: Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call Him Jesus.

He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of David His father; and He shall reign in the House of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom, there shall be no end."

To this discourse of the Angel Gabriel, Mary remembered her vow of virginity. The angel replied, "Think not, Mary, that you shall conceive in the ordinary way. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore, the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

And Mary answered, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy word."

What the divine messenger revealed, filled Mary's heart with inscrutable love and unbounded blissfulness. What was in her affectionate heart was for God alone. Joseph knew not of this, yet, he kept here in purity.

When the ninth month of the Virgin's conception drew near, they journeyed to Bethlehem. While they were there, Mary brought forth the divine Child, the only-begotten and substantial Son of God.


Anonymous said...

Thnkerarian, honestly, I never knew Mother Mary's story or family background until this time when I read your article. It is very enlightening, thank you, it made me widen my perception about the Blessed Virgin.
