
Preparing a Family Easter Candle

Hello everyone!
During the Lenten Season, my family prays together using a purple book entitled "The Lenten Prayer Guide for the Family". I don't know if you can still find that in Christian bookstores in the country so I will share with you a special section on preparing and blessing an Easter candle as well as blessing the Easter family meal.
Wishing you a meaningful and spirit-filled Holy Week.


One of the special and important elements of the Easter Liturgy is preparing and lighting the Easter candle, a symbol that Christ is the light and the center of our world-

“I am the light of the world; anyone who follows Me will not be walking in the dark; he will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

Each home can have its own paschal candle, made and decorated by the family on the evening of Holy Saturday. This is to be left on the dining table, and lit on Easter Sunday during a family meal.

A tall vigil candle ( to represent Christ)
5 thumb tacks or drawing pins ( to represent His five wounds)
Greek Letters Α (Alpha) put on top of the Cross and Ω (Omega) placed
below the cross.

Prayer: (to be recited as the thumb tacks or drawing pins are inserted into the candle, one at a time, in the for of a Cross)

1. By His holy
2. and glorious wounds
3. may Christ our Lord
4. guard us
5. and keep us. Amen.

Put your Family Easter Candle on the dining table, and light it on Easter Sunday during a family meal.